
MVN is a construction design and building company, engaging in large-scale work with prestigious clients ranging from New York City departments to major oil companies. With a long and storied history, this site provided the opportunity for me to work closely alongside the design team to implement the right look for MVN’s branding.

  • Used JavaScript and several libraries — scrollReveal, masonry.js — and custom animations to create animated homepage, including full-width video, image galleries, and “draw-in” buttons
  • Custom full-page slider for Capabilities page (Advanced Custom Fields, JavaScript, and PHP)
  • Rotating clients list with client logos
  • Team custom post type and custom taxonomy with custom templates and ordering
  • Stepped in to assist with the selection, editing, and implementation of dozens of Project images when the design team was more strapped for resources than my department

View Homepage Video on YouTube


MVN (JK Design)




WordPress, Underscores / _s, Sass, PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, scrollReveal, masonry.js, Advanced Custom Fields, Gravity Forms