The Virtual Body


The Virtual Body is an interactive graphical patient representation of 20+ medical procedures for a premier plastic surgeon in the NY and NJ area. All of the doctor’s services are featured through this easy-to-use “patient” — with both a whole-body overview and an up-close for the facial procedures.

I created a JSON feed of the procedures, including all aspects (title, content, images, sub-titles, links, etc.) of a given procedure, then a template to allow easy switching between the procedures. Using mapster.js on custom-made Adobe Illustrator face and body imagemaps, I provided a way for viewers to investigate specific procedures on a graphical interface.

Note: Mobile responsiveness was not considered.


The Kaplan Center (X Factor Digital Marketing)



Responsibilities & Tools

WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, mapster.js, HTML, CSS, Adobe Illustrator

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